Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Monumental Journey

Ordinance (2014) Relinquishment. Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions. 65 min. 

Praying for the days to end
The ages to lay to rest
A journey monumental in
Tears, burden and pain
The heavens to collide
And the earth to form its grave
Epochs of glory
Aeons of might
Detrimented by time
- Peregrination unto the Inevitable

Through years and miles innumerable. Once you push 'play', it is rather easy task to recognize the fact that these Finnish full-lenght debutants most likely didn't stumble upon black metal just yesterday; the sense of acquired-through-practice mastery simply oozes forth, distinctly and convincingly. Accordingly, it is not so surprising that Relinquishment goes far beyond your average black metal debut, in terms of both content and style. 

Vague figures, contourless shapes. The grand dance of malignant shadows is initiated with a sombre and ominous Relinquished, which is followed by a more truculent track, The Shadowcast. Thereafter the dynamic interplay of forces beyond the ordered universe goes on until the whole affair is wrapped up by feeding the putrid remains to god - and offering the soul to Satan. Hence, the circle is completed. 

There are Mysteriis here - of Satan and other sinister beings - and I am pretty sure that these fellows have skulked, every now and then at least, in the Forests of Witchery. There might even be a gentle tint of good ol' Sweden here. You know, before the current superstitious craze with ghosts and other such hoi polloi nonsense Swedes were pretty fucking badass - they were decorating trees with dead nazarenes while singing hymns to their blood-loving gods of the old. Well, not much allegiance to those times exists in the world of today. Sadly. 

To drag this down to a more earthly level, what I find very appealing in this debut offering of Ordinance is the distinctly nineties feeling all over the whole work; the songcraft, the melodies, the acoustic guitars, the general atmosphere, and so on. Even though Relinquishment is very melodic album when compared to those of the 'regression is progression' commandos, the general atmosphere always stays in the dark and ominous side.

Motley shapes of pallid grey. There are mysteries here, but there are flaws also. In fact, there are two major ones. 

First of all, the sound policy most certainly does not do justice to a fine songcraft of Ordinance. They would have needed more firepower, more edge, and more punch. With these homespun, organic sounds they are like a mighty thousand-headed army equipped with nothing but a stack of wooden swords. They may cause their enemies a respectable amount of bruises, but most likely they are not going make it to victory. 

Secondly, the vocals have a distinct lack of power and ferocity. While Relinquishment was spinning in my player, one thought rose over and over again into my mind - Spit it out! See, they have lots of good vocal arrangements and they even have experimented with vocals in a rather intriguing way - including an Attilaesque touch in Ascending unto the Unknown - but most of the time vocals come out as pretty lukewarm and half-hearted. Perhaps that is the way they wanted to have it - a disconsolate message should be delivered with the right tone? - but personally I would opt for a more savage approach.       

Surefootedly I lift up to step forth ahead. Well, let's hope that they will, actually, live up to their own words. In any event, Relinquishment is a fine offering for discriminating connoisseurs of ominous sounds and somber vistas.

Ordinance at Encyclopedia Metallum: here.    
Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions: here. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Luckless Bastards

Lots and lots of dead snakes this summer. Farewell to those poor, luckless bastards.

Friday, September 5, 2014

TSD: The Sinister Future

Spliced you could say the current state is different to the current perception. I would say that it is unchanged from the witchcraft hysteria one could expect in the medieval times with a heavy emphasis on satan and demonism, killing, causing pain, creating suffering, embracing egoism, selfish pursuits, acting out characters in the traditional stories of Old World Christianity – there is nothing new, nothing special, yet. The good sides are that this need for diabolism splits neatly those who need it from those who don't – and leaves unique questions in its wake as to whether we need an adversary or enemy in our forms and grand story.

How do you view the current state of the Sinister? What are the good and bad sides of it?

Seems that the scornful and reproaching tone of the ONA is disuniting instead of consolidating the Sinister current. They could apply that “satanic” approach to some youths of low culture only. Staying In Sinister Solidarity with THEM seems to be a more mature way of preserving and evolving the Sinister.

Presently an obscurantist age is running. It started on September 11, 2001. Never have the Magian been closer to total world control as now. It's as if the sinister illuminations of the 20th century of the vulgar era consolidated them, and now their reaction is upon us – such as us becoming more and more marginalized financially to the extent of economical extinction. We are obliged to play their detrimental morbid mundane game in order to survive.  As I said, the Magian rule means that the worst, not the best of humanity are in power. That means that the catastrophe is near at hand. The only thing the Magian can do is to delay it thus prolonging the agony of the ill human species. The subhumans need the human-centric model to cling unto but that model is totally exhausted for those who have been illuminated by the Sinister. In fact it is only those Sinister Illuminati – THEM, who stimulate the evolution of sentient life.


You only resonate with what is within you.


There are neither. The Sinister should not be measured by the expressions or intensity or frequency of devotion humans give to it. The Sinister is the same as it has always been and always will be. Inhuman.


The sinister is, was and always will be. If you mean, how do I view people currently trying to steer the sinister, then I think as in any spiritual pathwork, there are genuine seers that can help us understand how to understand what the sinister is and then there are charlatans that are in it for their egos. But by and larger, the material available out there is much better than say 25 years ago. The Temple of THEM has added a huge amount to the current sinister vein, and made it reach beyond the shallow veil of what it was. Them has touched upon so many areas (mythmaking, linguistics, sexism, illusion) that didn't seem to be openly discussed beforehand. This has added a whole new dimension to the sinister for me. Them want to truly understand, not just be heard.

Because of the internet, there is a huge amount of information and writings available to people now. A huge pool to draw from, but information is not knowledge, and some seem to forget this. There seems to be a lot of bickering amongst different groups within the sinister world, over semantics. Its the sinister, nothing is right or wrong, two completely opposite standpoints can both be true at the same time, you know. Discussion is healthy, argument can provoke us to understand more, but bickering and personal attacks only serve to weaken the sinister community. We are not supposed to all agree, that's dogma.


Spliced you could say the current state is different to the current perception. I would say that it is unchanged from the witchcraft hysteria one could expect in the medieval times with a heavy emphasis on satan and demonism, killing, causing pain, creating suffering, embracing egoism, selfish pursuits, acting out characters in the traditional stories of Old World Christianity – there is nothing new, nothing special, yet. The good sides are that this need for diabolism splits neatly those who need it from those who don't – and leaves unique questions in its wake as to whether we need an adversary or enemy in our forms and grand story.


Good and bad at the same time. Good because I see a subterranean yet growing interest and awareness, and at a personal level because I feel its Force somewhat increasing and slowly beginning to manifest. Mental chains begin to break, and some -actually still very few- begin to see behind the cracks in the white magian wall of illusions and to discern the mechanism at work to construct our "reality" and keep us asleep and unaware of that wall hiding reality. The bad side must be the battles of Egos that seem to be going on in the Sinister milieu, but strident views and internal fights will allow higher views after all, in the end. The essence is important, not the people, not the channels through which the Sinister manifests.


The Sinister simply is. It's something that always exists, in direct contrast to the nomian.

What kind of changes you would like to see happen within sinister culture in the future?

Those of the Sinister are not only to survive but to totally take the control, give birth to the New Aeon, and put an end to the human phase of sentient life on this planet. That means that the sorcerer’s Dexter, or Ego awareness should temporarily contract and give way to the Sinister awareness to expand, thus perceiving and allowing the energies of the Web of Wyrd to shape a new sentient entity within the sorcerer’s being. Then hir Dexter will expand anew, become aware of, and make sense of that new aeonic form of sentient life other than human, emerging from the sorcerer’s being.     


I'd like to see our Themonomicon finished and seeded, because I think it is a portal to another world, a star gate that will change many things.


Less attacking of each other and a more consolidated attack of the true enemy.


I feel if we can create a culture that overcomes this need for diabolism that a vast deal more can be achieved. The changes I'd like to see are being implemented through the Temple of THEM.


Auspicable for the future is that this Dark Energy becomes stronger and more clearly manifest, and that the Magian order begins to suffer its presence and its foundations be weakened. That the Tendrils and Branches and Energies of the Sinister, of the Dark Gods, of THEM start to silently creep into "reality", to disrupt it and bring forth the ability to Remember to larger numbers of minds. That sleeping Eyes may see again, or for the first time. That atrophied mind functions may work again, or for the first time. There's much of it we don't use, we must Remember or learn.


I would like to see Satanism return to a state of actually being something dark, forbidden, and feared.

How do you see Temple of THEM’s role as a part of your own sinister quest in the future? Could you consider working with some other group, or are you, even, working with some at the moment?

I see Temple of THEM as the Nexus, the Medium of THEM to communicate with each other In Sinister Solidarity, so it should be a fertile soil for the seeds of my own ideas to grow.   


It's intrinsic to what I do. There is nothing to stop working other kinds of magic, even becoming a priest, while still a member of THEM. There are no forbidden forms. The Temple if I rightly understand is not a cloister held together by laws of being alike, it is, ostensibly the world and each of us Unfolding in the world in our own way. And that's the way it should be. That's the raw pagan expression of the Sinister I endorse. We work together but in isolation. ISS.


I hope to perform in more rituals with them, helping to presence Them to gain a better understanding. I hope to along with Hollow of Them, build and maintain a physical temple, open to all of THEM as a core where we can manifest and maintain a causal presence. This is the next step, RA/Hollow has built solidarity through his writing and communications, now we wish to take that solidarity to the next step, into the physical.

I would consider it yes, but I am above all and always one of Them.


As the founder this question is moot. I work with dozens of groups personally, THEM works with dozens more collectively.


It has been very important already in the last couple of years or so, and it will be even more in the future I'm sure. The Temple of THEM aided my better understanding of certain aspects of the Sinister, to have a clearer view of some intuitions and certain processes implied in the quest. I'm not working with other groups at the moment but one never knows, or something now latent may just arise from my involvement with THEM, what is meant to happen will happen.


I work with any group that has similar aims to what mine are at any given time.

Do you have any Sinister-related project in the works right now? And if yes, could you introduce it?

Presently I have some publishing projects only.


Never kiss and tell.


As above. Also, I have been very organic thus far in my sinister quest... I am trying to open a new part of myself so I shall turn my hand to writing for a while.


Recently released, was my first short sinister novel, Holochrist. I will not give anything away except to say that it was a refreshing experiment to attempt a new style of writing that I have little experience with.

An anthology of our written work over the last decade including new insights and material, The THEMONOMICON, will be our 24th public release due out early 2014. The reference and homage to Lovecraft should be unmistakable.

Our 25th book, pMYRIAD, is an in-depth treatise of force and form and is planned for release in late 2014.


Only a musical album for the near future, other plans I won't mention for now, more experiences with Sorcery.


Yes, I am currently working on developing my own vector of Satanism that will be called The Sitnah Praxis. It is still in development but my interest has always lied with the Sinister Feminine and I want to further develop that.

Thank you for the interview. Last words are, of course, yours.

Thank you for the intelligently asked questions. A whole book could be written on their structure.


Remember! Who you are... Discover and resolve the conflict the matrix has created between you and your Self. Unearth and taste the tremendous power that lies in this unity!


We love your work and wish Sinister Angles blog power and growth. Mehr Sein Als Scheinen. Thanks for involving me in your Dialogues.


As always.


I would just like to say thank you for this opportunity.


Thanks to you. Let's close with a cool quote, I firstly found on good old Heretic Wisdom booklet many years ago:

I am going to burn down the world
I am going to tear down everything
that cannot stand alone
I am going to shove hope up your ass
I am going to turn ideals to shit

I am going to reduce everything
that stands to rubble
and then I am going to burn the rubble
and then I am going to scatter the ashes
and then maybe someone will be able
to see something as it really is
Watch Out - Mel Lyman

And Remember.
:One Of THEM: